
International #2 Oistrich Politic

Ostrich Politic / HouHou

Ostriches bury their heads in the sand which we interpret as instinctual behavior. Then along comes phylogeneticist Dr. Kays and proves otherwise.


The Last Day / Luke Sital Singh

Hand-animated video clip for song ‘The Last Day’ touches the heart.


Brain Wave / Jake Fried

Hand-drawn animation with ink and white-out; sound design by the artist.


Buster /Jane Ammona & Sonny Stitt

Three hand-drawn animated interludes from a documentary on jazz giant Buster Williams.


The last game/Optus Australia

A wild-animal soccer game


Crayona / Aishwarya Sadasivan

A refugee boy dreams of finding asylum in the Land of Dreams – America


Influencers / Foam Studio

An experimental 3D piece that applies fantasy and imagination to everyday objects


Untravel  /Ana Nedeljkovic

A Slovenian film about a girl who dreams of escaping to “Abroad” from her grey, miserable land imprisoned behind a huge wall


Phantom 52 /Geoff Marslett

The lonely driver of an 18-wheeler tries to find someone, anyone over his CB radio to talk to. Weariness leads him to dream of being at sea with ghosts and great sea beasts.


The Hedgehog’s Home / Eva Cvijanovic

A Hymn to Home that tells of a brave hedgehog who faces off the forest animals that mock him, his lifestyle and his modest home.


Beauty in Numbers / Rebecka Taule

Using numbers, the movie gleefully explores the many applications of the mathematical constant pi (3.14)


Esperanca / Jeanne Paturle

Just arrived from Angola, Esperança, 15, and her mother hope to find a new life in France. At the train station they seek help to find them a bed for the night. Will anyone listen?


Enough/ Anna Mantzaris

Frustration is the hero of this prizewinning film about ordinary people who sometimes lose their cool when the daily grind just gets too much for them.


About Our Astronauts/Galina Golubeva

A song of praise to Russian astronauts and their adventures in Space designed as a folktale for kids that starts and ends with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin


Ailleurs  (Somewhere)  / Melody Boulissiere

A computer-addicted young man discovers there’s a real world out there after all.


Tuesday 30.07 / at 18:00 / Hall 5
Thursday 01.08 / at 22:00 / Hall 5
Saturday 03.08 / at 13:00 / Hall 5